Pool Key FOB
If you are having a problem with your pool key (not working) please contact:
Lauren Godwin at lauren.godwin@sixesmanagement.com
Please note: there is a $25 fee for replacing a missing or unreturned key.
As a reminder, all owners must be in good standing with the Association in order to use the amenities in Highland Manor. If you have a past due balance, you run the risk of your access card/fob being deactivated and your amenity privileges revoked. If you are unsure of your account balance, please go to https://sixes.cincwebaxis.com and log in to your account to check your balance. From here, you are able to make payments online if necessary.
Additionally, please help keep our pool area looking great!
– If trash is full, please take out and put in bins in clubhouse parking lot.
– Please push in chairs, roll down umbrellas before you leave.